Wednesday 27 March 2013


 The most painful Calamity that can ever befall a being is to live without a purpose. it is very obvious that the supposed leaders of tommorow in these era are not good readers. Some of us were fortunate enough to have parents that we could look up to as role models in our lives. But, lamentably, many have grown up in homes that are not at all conducive to establishing healthy role models.
We all want to look up to someone, somebody who models a lifestyle we admire. These people need not be perfect--we know that perfect people only exist in the comic books--but they should be individuals who have risen above the circumstances of life to accomplish something significant. And, we want our heroes to be above self promotion and climbing on the backs of others. But this is where the problem lies. In today's world of widespread self- centeredness, it is very difficult to find those heroes from whom we can gain a right perspective of the world about be continue
join me at BlueHouse International concert as i unfold more about the Heroe within you.........@ECWA church Aiyetoro Odota Ilorin Kwara State. on sunday 31st March 2013. by 4pm.